New Year, New Me: Embracing Gentle Resolutions for a Fabulous 2024! – DEEDREMARLA
HEALTH, ORGANIZATION, Uncategorized / January 1, 2024

New Year, New Me: Embracing Gentle Resolutions for a Fabulous 2024!

Hey there, lovelies! As we welcome 2024, it’s that time of the year when we all start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. You know, those firm decisions we make to do or not to do something. But first, let’s get real about what a resolution really means. According to the dictionary, a resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” Sounds pretty strict, right? But here’s the thing: life isn’t always black and white, and neither should our approach to resolutions be. So, here’s my take: to make meaningful changes, we need a blend of determination and self-compassion. And this year, I’m all about two special words: “Calm” and “Consistent.” Let’s chat about being kinder and more realistic with ourselves as we step into 2024.

We often set ambitious goals for the New Year, like hitting the gym five times a week or cutting out caffeine. But hey, creating a habit isn’t a one-size-fits-all journey. Research suggests that the longer it takes to see results, the harder it is to stick to a new habit. So, this year, I’m shaking things up with my “ins” list – a set of positive, doable changes I want to focus on.

My “Ins” for 2024:

  1. Invest in Self-Care: Embracing calm through mindful practices and consistent self-love.
  2. Church on Sundays: Consistently nourishing my spirit and finding community calm.
  3. AM+PM Skincare and Hair Care Routines: Calmly and consistently caring for my body.
  4. Limit Caffeine & No Alcohol: For a calmer, clearer mind and consistent health.
  5. Fitness: Regular exercise for a calm mind and consistent body strength.
  6. No Credit Card Usage & Financial Goals: Consistently managing finances for a calm financial future.
  7. Vacations: Planning calming breaks and consistently rewarding myself.
  8. Purchasing Quality Statement/Staple Pieces: Consistently choosing quality, bringing calm to my style.
  9. Quality Family Time: Consistently prioritizing what brings me joy and calm.
  10. Biweekly Dinner Date Nights: A consistent schedule for calm and connection.
  11. Daily Moments: Calmly capturing life’s joys, consistently.
  12. Staying Calm and Consistent: Embodying my words of the year in all aspects.

What ‘Calm’ and ‘Consistent’ Mean to Me:

  • Calm (n.): The dictionary describes it as “the absence of violent or confrontational activity within a place or group.” For me, it’s about finding inner peace and tranquility in our daily lives.
  • Consistent (adj.): Defined as “acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate,” it’s about maintaining steady progress towards our goals.

Why These Words? Choosing ‘Calm’ and ‘Consistent’ as my 2024 mantras is all about balancing the energy and steadiness in my life. In a world that’s always hustling, finding calmness is crucial, and being consistent is key to achieving our goals.

So, there you have it, my fabulous friends – my “ins” for a wonderful 2024. What about you? What are your “ins” for the New Year? Share your thoughts, goals, and aspirations in the comments below. Let’s support and inspire each other as we embark on this journey of self-improvement and joy. Here’s to a year of gentle changes, significant impacts, and loads of happiness!


Meet Deedre: Nurse, Planner, New Mom, and Book Lover

Hey there! I’m Deedre a fun-loving nurse and organization guru. After a heartfelt journey through infertility, I’m now embracing the wild and wonderful world of new motherhood. My blog is your go-to spot for:
• Clever organizing tips and planner hacks.
• Real-life nursing stories with a dash of humor.
• Honest insights into life as a new mom.
• Engaging book discussions and reviews.
• Wellness and financial freedom tips.
Join me as we navigate the joys and challenges of everyday life with laughter, learning, and a little bit of chaos!