How I Passed My Family Nurse Practitioner Board Exam: Personal Tips and Insights – DEEDREMARLA
Nursing, Study / January 7, 2021

How I Passed My Family Nurse Practitioner Board Exam: Personal Tips and Insights

Hey Friends!

I’m thrilled to share a significant milestone in my nursing career with you all! Back in February 2020, I achieved a major goal – passing my Family Nurse Practitioner Board exam. I’m now officially Diedre Christian, FNP-C. In this post, I’ll share my personal journey and the strategies that helped me succeed, hoping to inspire and guide those preparing for their exam.

Passing the Family Nurse Practitioner Board exam was a journey of dedication, strategic studying, and emotional resilience. By sharing my experience, I hope to offer guidance and motivation to those on a similar path.

My Exam Preparation Experience:

The journey to becoming a certified Family Nurse Practitioner involves choosing between two certification bodies: the AANP (American Association Nurse Practitioner Exam) and the ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center). I opted for the AANP exam, and here’s how I tackled my preparation:

  1. Intense Study Schedule: I dedicated 4 weeks to study, putting in 10-12 hours each day.
  2. Timing of the Exam: Graduating in December, I took my boards at the end of February. My advice is to take the exam soon after graduation, while you’re still in the academic mindset.
  3. Study Materials: While my school provided the Fitzgerald review, I found it overly detailed. Instead, I turned to the Leik Book, reading it cover to cover daily and making notes.
  4. Additional Resources: I utilized the Amelie Hollier Review, especially for challenging topics, and completed all questions in the Leik Book. I also found her app incredibly useful for on-the-go study.
  5. Day Before the Exam: I chose not to study and instead focused on getting ready mentally and physically.
  6. Exam Day Rituals: A good night’s sleep, a light breakfast, and arriving at the exam center early were part of my
  7. strategy. Keeping my exam date private also helped in reducing stress.

After the Exam:

The wait for the results was nerve-wracking. The exam was challenging, and I was a bundle of nerves. When I finally received my results, I was overwhelmed with emotion upon seeing the word ‘PASSED’. It was a moment of pure joy and relief!

I’d love to hear about your exam preparations! Share your strategies, and concerns, or ask questions in the comments below. Let’s support each other on this journey to becoming certified Family Nurse Practitioners!


Meet Deedre: Nurse, Planner, New Mom, and Book Lover

Hey there! I’m Deedre a fun-loving nurse and organization guru. After a heartfelt journey through infertility, I’m now embracing the wild and wonderful world of new motherhood. My blog is your go-to spot for:
• Clever organizing tips and planner hacks.
• Real-life nursing stories with a dash of humor.
• Honest insights into life as a new mom.
• Engaging book discussions and reviews.
• Wellness and financial freedom tips.
Join me as we navigate the joys and challenges of everyday life with laughter, learning, and a little bit of chaos!


  1. stella

    hello , thanks for the tips. where did you to school ? and how was ur program in preparing you?

    17 . May . 2021
    • D I E D R E M A R L A

      I went to The University of Texas El Paso, my program prepared us very well I think. It is an hybrid program so it was partially online and face to face.

      16 . Jun . 2021

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